Saturday, June 18, 2022

Happy Trails!

Stats~Vol. 2
Here are the ending stats:

My pack-fully loaded: 27 bs.
Chuckwagon's Pack- fully loaded: 22 lbs.
My weight: 182.0
Chuckwagon's weight: 145.0
Miles hiked: 100.5
Bears seen: 0
Toenails Lost: 1
Bug Bites: too many to count
Pop-Tarts eaten: 18
Hours walking in the rain: 11

Thanks 🙏
I need to thank the following people: 

My sister, Lisa, for her hours and hours of help to make sure we had everything, and more, we needed. She has the kindest heart, and really wants everyone around her to be successful.

My wife, Summer, for letting me take big risks on adventures. Her support is all the affirmation I need in this world.

My family and friends for cheering me on, every little bit was helpful! 

And finally my son ChuckWagon. He was the inspiration I needed to keep getting up and get going everyday.

YouTubing it...
To conclude this blog here is a video we put together. It gives a good idea of the sights and sounds we got to see and hear. 


  1. Congratulations on a fabulous venture!! ❤️❤️

  2. I love Shenedoah! I have hiked/backpacked many portions of the Appalachian trail but not 100! Great jobs guys. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
