Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Day 6 - "Chilly" today, and Hot Tomorrow

Thank you!

Well whomever said the prayer for us to avoid the rain, it worked! It was a giant storm on the radar about 4:00 in the morning that was going to hit us all day, but by 6:00 this morning it hits split into and we were in the split. So thanks for that reprieve!

We got on the trail at about 7:52 a.m., and started heading NOBO.

Along the way we saw lots of clouds threatening rain, but it really didn't start coming down till about noon.
And then the heavens opened and dumped on us buckets of rain!

Sometimes you have to let them learn

I went ahead and threw on my rain gear, because it was dumping rain, but ChuckWagon elected to not put his on. He said the rain felt really nice because he was hot, and he was already wet. I said well I'm going to put mine on, and we just went on down the trail.

We stopped at a store at a campground, and while sitting on the porch he suddenly became very cold. He put on his rain gear to try to warm up, but just kept shivering and shivering. It looked like hypothermia to me? But I'm no doctor, but I know what it's like to be really cold and not be able to warm up.

We sat there on the porch for about an hour trying to get him to warm up. I went to the store and made a hot water bottle with a faucet in there, and hadn't put that inside of his coat. He said that helped a little, but was still not able to stop shivering.

We're just warming up...

We hustle down to Bearfence Hut, where we're going to stay (it was only about a mile) and set up camp real fast. I had him strip down and get into to his sleeping bag to warm up. He seems to be doing okay now 😅

Last night...

We decided to change our plan, and make this our last night on the trail. The goal is still the same, ChuckWagon will still hit 100 mi, and get to join the triple digit backpacking club.

We're going to have a big day for our last one, we're going to do 16 mi, and try to do it in about 8 hours total. That doesn't sound real fast but I think it's a decent pace for us.

Lighten the load...

Chuckwagon thought that since we had an extra day and a half of food that we're not going to use, we should do some "trail magic". So at this hut that we're staying at tonight we're going to dump all of our food we're not going to use into the bear box, so other hikers can just take what they want.

There's three or four meals, and a bunch of high protein high calorie snacks. I hope they enjoy it! I know we're not going to miss carrying it out 😂

After a shoe drying party, we're off to bed! I think we both enjoyed today, but looking forward to a shower that doesn't involve rain gear...🚿


  1. Congratulations on your great big adventure ! Sounds like it is amazing! Love you guys Mama K

    1. Hey, thanks!! It was something else to be sure

  2. Smart choice! You both did really well! Very proud of you (but I always was) ❤ Biggest of hugs Auntie B.

  3. Fantastic memories made and congratulations on the triple digits! Thanks for sharing your journey - Helen

  4. You did great! Congratulations. Cyrill

  5. I think you did awesome and will miss checking in with you. Much love and God bless
